Yes, I think that you are doing something wrong. The "Open Charts in Alphabetical Order Indicator v2" - indicator, is meant to be used as follows:xray2 » Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:17 pm wrote:
I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong. I modified v1 to include .bo extensins for Binary Options. This version worked fine but seemed to included the "Open Charts in Alphabetical Order Indicator" on all charts. Not sure why because from reading here it says the first chart would be deleted, and I assumed (maybe incorrectly) the indicator would be removed as well.
On version it opens the charts up and removes the indicator but only the default template is loaded. all indicators are removed. Is thiss how it's meant to work as it seems counterintuitive.
Btw this is a great tool, so congrats to the people involved.
1. First of, it is an indicator, and as such it needs to be stored in the \Indicators folder.
2. Open up a chart. Could be for any symbol, but the time frame should be set to the desired time frame for the charts you wish to open.
3. Load the "Open Charts in Alphabetical Order Indicator v2"-indicator. It presents you with the "Custom Indicator" properties screen. There is one parameter to set: 'Choose template name': default. Set this parameter to the name of the template you want to load onto the chart of each selected symbol. If you don't already have that template available, stop here, and first create that template, and remember its name.
4. Once you have selected the template name and selected OK, you will be presented with a screen listing all the symbols currently present in your Market Watch panel. Initially, all the symbols are 'Red' meaning they are selected. By pressing the 'Red' buttons, you can un-select them. This way, you can configure which symbols you wish to open a chart for.
5. Once you are happy with the selected symbols, press OK on the indicator panel, and it will open up a chart for each selected symbol, in the time frame of the current chart and will apply the selected template to each chart.
6. At the end of this, it will close the current chart that had the "Open Charts in Alphabetical Order Indicator v2"-indicator loaded.
Hope this clears up the counterintuitivity.